Other compatible wallets
Cardano boasts of a thriving and very active developer community that has developed a number of compatible wallets. These include:
There are many good wallets, honestly dont just try the ones mentioned above, also lovelace wallet is in development right now. (Ill update again once lovelace is out).
Unlike most wallets in Cardano, Nami is a single address wallet only, but on the other hand Nami is a bit faster to load due to its simplicity.
I mostly use Eternl to manage my multiple wallets from same place. (You just need to restore your wallet on Eternl).
Note: if you restore a single address wallet like Nami wallet on Eternl, just remember to set Single Address Mode for that wallet on the options menu.
Not enough? Try https://www.cardanocube.io/explore and select wallets in your search.
Last updated